The global shift to virtual business has created a new world of opportunities, but it has also introduced new challenges—and we know that digital transformation is essential for organizations to succeed. Need proof? This infographic illustrates how organizations further along in their transition from on-prem to the cloud are more likely to report positive experiences among employees and end users about securing data and personal privacy. With Microsoft 365, businesses stay nimble with cost savings and cloud advances, even during uncertain economic times.
Why the cloud? Why Microsoft Azure?
Is the cloud secure for my apps? Which apps make sense to run in the cloud? Can I trust my business-critical app to a cloud vendor? You want to head to the cloud, but naturally you have questions.
You may also wonder why customers choose Microsoft Azure for their cloud migration. One reason is unparalleled innovation: you can maximize your productivity with fully managed services such as App Service, Azure SQL Database, and global on-demand Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). Your focus should be driving your business priorities instead of worrying about running data centers.
Want to know the other reasons to choose Azure? Have questions? Group Oliver is ready to help you!